Improve the health of your bearded dragon with these simple facts

The bearded dragon requires a certain amount of care to maintain a healthy and happy life. They generally do not suffer from many diseases may be able to catch parasites from worms as well as develop disorders if they do not receive an adequate amount of calcium and vitamin D3.

Good bearded dragon health depends largely on adequate calcium levels. Dragons must have calcium and full-spectrum UVB lights in order to maintain proper bone growth. If these are not available to the bearded dragon, they will suffer from metabolic bone disease. This may cause your bearded dragon lizard to become deformed as well as cause fatal injuries.

Most beaded dragon health diets have been optimized for maximum calcium and vitamin D3 levels. Rep-Cal is a non-phosphorous calcium supplement that may be added to both insects and vegetables. Tums may also be used as an emergency source of calcium. Calcium supplements may be sprinkled on vegetables and insects should be placed in a plastic bag and shook up with the calcium so that it will stick to them.

Herptivite may be used every two weeks or once per month. This is a multi-vitamin supplement. These supplements may be high in vitamin A and may cause many health problems if used too often. This is because they may cause the calcium levels of the bearded dragon to become depressed. The bearded dragon should also not be given any additional phosphorous because the

Bearded dragon health is very dependent on lighting. The bearded dragon will benefit greatly from being exposed to natural light as often as possible. Full-spectrum lighting is necessary but it does not take the place of natural light. The operative wavelengths for the bearded dragon are in the ultraviolet UVB range. These are offered by full-spectrum florescent-type light bulbs. Zoo-Med Reptisun UVB 5.0 is available at most pet stores and have been used by many bearded dragon owners and breeders. These light bulbs must be replaced every six months, as they will lose their UVB component. UVB light rays are not capable of passing through glass or plastic, so you must not use a glass top in your bearded dragons enclosure.

Incandescent light bulbs are also necessary for your beaded dragons health. These light bulbs may be used in a heat-reflector fixture. Bearded dragon health depends on its enclosure being properly lighted so that they are able to warm up enough to digest their food. The bearded dragon must have a body temperature of one hundred degrees in order to digest their food. The gradient should range from the mid 70s to 80s on the cool side of their enclosure and 95-105 degrees on the basking side of their enclosure. Lights should be adjusted so that they do not overheat your bearded dragon lizard. Under tank heaters may also be used to keep the bearded dragons stomach warm. These may also increase the growth rate of your bearded dragon lizard.

Hot rocks should be avoided by all means. These rocks have been detrimental to many a bearded dragons health. These rocks are capable of overheating and burning beaded dragon lizards. The bearded dragon is less sensitive to heat and may not realize they are burning until it is too late. The rocks may also ruin the heat gradient of the tank.