Every product of service has its advantages and disadvantages. This even applies to the Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer In this case it’s a fact that I love this apparatus, so it will be hard for me to give you a completely objective review. This is my report based on my personal feelings in regards to the Magic Flight Launch box. This is my review on the MFLB.. What I like and don’t like about the MFLB.
The size is th? amazing part of this vaporizer.. When looking at it, it appears to be a matchbox; size-wise and from the looks from it. This vaporizer can always be brought along as this even fits into a tight fitting jeans..
The second point in favor would be its simplicity and effectiveness. Why? Because you only see an ordinary AA rechargable battery and you read that this vaporizer is ready in literally 5 seconds after plugging in the battery. I tried and it worked. But what really hit me, was the overwhelming taste of the herb I used. Just imagine how herbs can smell, butnow you will have this flavor in your mouth. Wow, I instantly realized the importance of using quality herbs as this will pass through this device and you will taste the difference. I still cannot believe my first reaction; I was stunned that this was possible with this little device. I guess you also start to realize that once you start vaping with this device, you should stay away from cheap or bad herbs as you will taste it. That’s a promise!. You should only use quality herbs with this vaporizer, otherwise you will regret it. That’s for sure. Another surprise occured when exhaling. No smoke came out of my mouth, which made me wonder whether or not it still was effective. Well, a few moments later, I knew that I shouldn’t doubt this!.